Wettbewerbsbeitrag, Honorable Mention
Get a Megg, join the metaverse. A personalized Megg is your way to enter the metaverse.

The Megg is an eggshaped house that hovers above the ground leaving a vast space for social interaction underneath. Here, status symbols like vehicles or pets can be presented. It’s accessible by a central elevator platform that only the residents can trigger. So, 24/7 full control over who enters the property is secured. The outer shell is adaptive, opening or closing depending on the desired degree of introversion or extroversion of the user. Through the façade a constant relation to light and the surrounding city and landscape is guaranteed. At the same time the inside of the shell is functioning as a walkable community space for family and friends gathering. It can be decorated with personal values like NFTs, game trophies or design furniture. In the middle an enclosed private core is located where a safe storage of the avatars is possible when going offline. 

The design doesn’t follow any physical construction laws or usual residential floor plan layouts of the real world due to the creative freedoms provided by the metaverse. It focuses on a minimum of determined and a maximum of customizable features because every individual has different needs and reasons to use the metaverse whether it’s for life, work, or entertainment. It respects the different degrees of privacy and publicity intended using a layer principle from inner core to outer shell. The three-dimensional exoskeleton offers a blank space waiting to be inhabited and filled with personal digital values. Through the variety of different users and their preferences a completely mixed and diverse neighborhood is created where people from all over the world represent their culture and heritage expressing it through their customized Megg. This can vary from a Japanese garden, an outer shell inspired by an Arabic mosaic or Nordic runes, digital art exhibited along the façade or a plain simple white Megg. The limit is the imagination of the inhabitants. 
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